Leica CS15 Controller | Leica GS15 Receiver | Trimble 5600 | Trimble 5700 | Trimble 5800 | Trimble GeoExplorer | Trimble Juno
CAST manages a suite of navigation, mapping and survey-grade GPS hardware and processing software to serve almost any mapping need.
As early as 1992, CAST was designated as a Center of Excellence for “Global Positioning System Mapping Systems: Training and Research” by Trimble Navigation Ltd and has continued to be actively involved in applying GPS in a variety of research projects and outreach activities. Through this corporate agreement and with support from a 2003-2005 NSF Major Research Instrumentation grant (BCS-0321286) and University of Arkansas TELE funds, CAST obtained and now maintains a complete suite of Trimble GPS mapping and surveying hardware.
In 2004, CAST was designated as a Center of Excellence for “Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing” by Leica Geosystems and expanded its activities in high-accuracy, large-scale mapping. In 2010 the University received NSF award 0918070 (CI-TRAIN Project) which allowed the acquisition of a number of new instruments including a suite of Leica GNSS receivers and software.
The Viva GNSS and 5700/5800 equipment is configured to work with the on-campus NetRS base station in real-time kinematic mode via CDMA cell-modems. For the Trimble mapping units Trimble Pathfinder Office,TerraSync and ArcPad with GPScorrect is used for mapping applications, while Leica Geomatics Office,Trimble Geomatics Office, JPL’s GYPSY-OASIS II and UNAVCO’s TECQ software is used for Surveying/Geodetic applications.