Tiwanaku, Bolivia – Digital Elevation Model (1992)


The Center has been involved in a multi-year project in collaboration with Dr. Alexei Vranich at the University of Pennsylvania to scan and document the Pre-Incan site of Tiwanaku, Bolivia.  Read a short synopsis of the project at Tiwanaku Project Details and for full details on the entire survey, refer to Geophysics and Geomatics at Tiwanaku.

For the .jpg, .tif, or .img photogrammetry formats, we recommend the free viewer ArcGIS Explorer Desktop. This free GIS application provides ways to explore and share GIS data.

digital elevation model DEM made using photogrammetric techniques on 2 vertical aerial photographs of Tiwankau, Bolivia center for advanced spatial technologies CAST, University of Arkansas Adam Barnes

dem_1992_1m.tif (File size – 26 mb)

Photogrammetric processing was performed on two historic vertical aerial photographs from 1992 to produce this digital elevation model (DEM) covering the monumental core and surrounding areas of Tiwanaku.
Ground sample distance – 1-m
Coverage – 550-ha
Coordinate system – Arbitrary, based on local coordinate system used by archaeologists.

Please note. This data is distributed under a Creative Commons 3.0 License (see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ for the full license). You are free to share and remix these data under the condition that you include attribution as provided here. You may not use the data or products in a commercial purpose without additional approvals. Please attach the following credit to all data and products developed there from:
Credit: Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception (GRASP) Lab (University of Pennsylvania) and Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, (University of Arkansas)
Longer version: Data acquired, processed and distributed by the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies staff and University of Pennsylvania.


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